SSL certified websites are encrypted to ensure that any data passed through the website is not interrupted. That means the website is secure and your clients are protected.
Secure Socket Layers are secure encryption that can be trusted.
When establishing an SSL handshake there are three keys that set up the connection,
When connecting to a SSl (https) site,
Browsers then check the certification, if the browser verifies the certification it will create and
The server decrypts the key and
This all happens before your connect to the site. By the time the page is loaded, all information passed on https (ssl) sites is encrypted and trusted to send data to the party without third party breaches.
Keep in mind that this is just one of the many steps that needs to be taken, especially when collecting customer data. If you have any type of input being entered into your website — like for contact forms, subscriptions, or payments you should take further measures to secure your website. Other securing measures for websites include blocking SQL inject, firewalls, and password protection.
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